Welcome to Practice Notes.
I am thrilled, after months of chewing on it, to be finally launching Practice Notes.
I thought I might use this first post as an opportunity to define what this space is.
Practice Notes is a place for me to share reflections on my journey with creative and contemplative practice. Expect to see a new note every couple days.
I use writing as a tool for digestion of experience, and as an opportunity to ground experiences of transformation. These recent years of intense upheaval have been, for me, a time of significant internal shifting. I’m revising assumptions, shifting approaches, and in some ways, learning new strategies of being
In response to the flickering of new insights, I am reassembling some structures of practice and teaching that I’ve relied on for years. I am working on myself, and I am working on my relationship to the world.
All of this processing is reflected in my teaching and in my artwork, but it is not shared overtly. My intention is for Practice Notes to be a peek behind the scenes of my public-facing offerings.
I want to share with you the frustration and the confusion that constitute so much of my learning. There are also the joys of recognition — when a new proficiency is discovered, or the moments when confusion snaps suddenly into clarity — and it will be a delight to share those with you, too.
Solitude is my most reliable workspace. But there is a need arising to share notes as a form of collaboration. If something is inspiring me, it might inspire you too. Something about my reflections might stir your own. Your responses to my words might inform the next step on my path.